Sortie Kayak


Plus de 48: avant le tour : Remboursement intégral sans justification.

Moins de 48h avant le tour et le jour J : Nous conservons l’acompte de 3 000 xpf / pers, et remboursons aux clients le complément éventuellement payé au-delà de l’acompte.


More than 48h before the day of the excursion: Full refund without justification.

Less than 48h before the day of the excursion, and the day of the excursion: We keep the deposit of 3,000 xpf / pers, and reimburse customers for any additional payment beyond the deposit.

Ships : Whatever the reason for the cancellation of the excursion less than 48h before the day of the excursion, in particular:

– if the liner is diverted.
– if weather conditions prevent the excursion from taking place for safety reasons.
We keep the deposit of 3,000 xpf / person to compensate mainly the costs incurred by our service providers for meals and reimburse customers for any additional costs paid beyond the deposit.